
New York Asian Film Festival 2017

Norihiro Niwatsukino's "Suffering of Ninko" had a screening at 16th New York Asian Film Festival.

Thank you for watching the film at the festival! For very unique and original creation it is, various impressions from audience can be expected. I wish I could be there to know how audience in New York enjoyed it, just as I could do at the latest Busan International Film Festival.

Among many reviews written by film critics that I'm facing and enjoying, following articles are mentioning my narration in the film, too! How can I act cocky and go through them!  Thank you very much Shikhar Verma, James Mudge for your articles with artistic deliberation, and Niwatsukino san for your directing!

<Asian Film Vault>
By Shikhar Verma
"Norihiro's film is narrated by Qyoko Kudo, who makes the film sound like one of those Buddhist stories that explores the meaning of life and onself. Strangely so, Ninko's life is nothing more than a bewildering array of things he doesn't understand. He wishes to complete his training of being a monk and yet he doesn't understand himself."

by James Mudge
"While the film does feature a lot of nudity and sex, it’d be a stretch to call it a pink film, despite its short running time and low budget. With voice-over narration from Qyoko Kudo, it instead has the feel of a feverish piece of folklore, a morality (or perhaps anti-morality) tale which essentially follows Ninko as he is tormented by temptation and the transformation this eventually brings in him."